Thursday, March 21, 2013

Plate Tectonic Project

I learned a lot of things during this project. For example, I learned about Pangaea, Plate Tectonics, Seismic Waves, Seismograph, P-waves, S-waves, and L-waves also learned about boundaries Divergent Boundary, Convergent Boundary, and Transform Boundary. Scientist believes that hundred millions years ago the earth was Pangaea. Means that the earth didn't have 7 continents it just have one BIG continent. And it’s called Pangaea. Seismic waves are three types of waves name p-waves, s-waves, and l-waves. Seismograph is a machine that check how large is the earthquake or check the speed of the Earthquake. Divergent boundary is where two plates are moving away from each other and new crust is creating from the magma. Convergent  Boundary where two plates are moving toward each other. And Transform Boundary is where the two plates slide against each other. 


1. What did you enjoy the most about this project and why?
   - The most enjoyable part for this project for me was when I made a video about Plate Tectonics  because I just have to use computer and just Edit the video.

2. What was most Challenging for you during this project and why?
  - The most challenging was doing assignment about the MAP because I didn't understand anything about the MAP. 

3. What was new skills did you learn from this project?
  - About Earthquakes because before I didn't know dose the 

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any other work? Explain.
  - Yes If I could do this project again I will change something, I will add music on my Video that I made for Plate Tectonics.

5. What could you have change about this project?
  - I think this project was good and there is nothing to be changed.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Welcome to IHSL Haroon Abbas

Science is good thing to learn.
I like to play Cricket.
My brothers Scares me a lot.
Baryani is my favorite food.
I will be a good man when I will grew up.
I have 3 Siblings.
My favorite color is Blue.
My favorite thing to do is play.
Watch out for Cars.
I wish I could be the best  as Possible.